Meetings | Engineering Building | 6:30pm-7:30pm | Wednesday
Freshman Program
Academic Development: Ensure all new members have a strong academic resulting in at least 67% of members on the Dean's List for each semester.
Professional Development: Empower all new members with the professional skills sets to have a productive first year experience by the end of the Spring semester.
Gained Benefits & Opportunities
At least one mock interview experience
At least 1 resume critique session
Effective participation in at least 1 career fair
Partake in at least 3 study sessions
Attend at least 3 office hour sessions for each course and more!

Sophomore/Junior Program
Professional Development: Accelerate your professional skillset to generate a competitive portfolio with at least 1 workforce experience before graduation.
Community Outreach: Strengthen the members’ ability to empower the community through the participation of at least 2 community service events.
Leadership Development: Enhance member's ability to gain leadership skills through influential opportunities that equip them with at least 1 workforce experience before graduation.
Gained Benefits & Opportunities
Fit for selection for Professional Conferences
Qualified for Leadership opportunities
Entree into Recruiter Resume Folder
Involvement in at least 2 community service events and more!
Senior Program
Chapter Development: Facilitate the successful transition into the workforce by connecting of all the graduates to the influential alumni network.
Professional Development: Launch and document the trajectory of every graduate cohort into the workforce within a year post-graduation.
Gained Benefits & Opportunities
Bond with SHPE Professional chapter
Entree into Recruiter Resume Folder
Added to the MSU SHPE Alumni Network LinkedIn
Personal Budgeting Plan – Cost of living, 401 K’s, etc
Fit for selection for Professional Conferences
Qualified for Leadership opportunities and more!